A chat with Guidewire Group

I got an invite out of the blue to sit down with Charlotte Ziems of the Guidewire Group a couple of weeks ago. Basically, it was a chance to offer “perspective” on an “effort” (no NDA, but why be rude) they have underway, as well as their approach to said.

Meeting Charlotte was fantastic. Eminently personable (and obviously smart and experienced), we hit it off quickly. I looked down to check the time only once during the conversation (a rarity these days given everything going down), and found that our hour had elapsed before I could finish my coffee (surely a sign I was talking too much!). Hopefully it won’t be the last meet-up.

Guidewire’s got a lot going on, not the least of which is an upcoming Leadership Forum, which looks excellent, not only for its beautiful location, but also because friend and fellow PointCast alum Don Albert will be speaking in his new role as GM Sky, North America. Congrats Don!

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