Monthly Archives: May 2002

yosemite rocked. some pics.

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wow, what an interesting day or two in the news russia in nato india and pakistan talking war and nukes arafat drafts a constitution govt warns terrorists may have shoulder-fired anti-aircraft launchers; commercial jets vulnerable fbi to be given sweeping

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you become your own avatar as the world around you digitalizes… and samples you

Posted in Uncategorized nokia 9290 just released in the US! almost makes me wish i had a job! ;p

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Here’s what happens when a friend of a friend (ex vp of marketing for macromedia) decides to help you… vs emailing your resume to the blackhole of HR. It’s ALL ABOUT NETWORKING… — hey Tony – I’ll definitely pass your

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Ad-tech happens June 19-21 in LA… might be worth attending…

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Finally, product placements in products are starting to gain some traction. How viable and effective they are remains an open question, but exploration is always a good thing. — Online Gaming Lures Major Marketers Tuesday, May 28, 2002, 11:12

Posted in Uncategorized Vinod Khosla speaks out on what’s right and wrong in VC today.

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hmph, this was one of the possible uses i had for the domain i hold. — What’s Cool Next: “Special” Marketers Track Online Volunteers Monday, May 20, 2002, 12:56 PM ET Want to know the “coolness quotient” of

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deeje and opie didn’t get it. just saw this in a weekly recap, looks promising by the summary. will read in detail tomorrow and comment further… — Networked Life, the Esther Dyson Way Monday, May 20, 2002, 7:44 PM

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