wow, what an interesting day or two in the news
russia in nato
india and pakistan talking war and nukes
arafat drafts a constitution
govt warns terrorists may have shoulder-fired anti-aircraft launchers; commercial jets vulnerable
fbi to be given sweeping new domestic spying rights
completion of cleanup at ground zero
is this a full muslim uprising/birth? will it trigger china?
our technology and physical economic accelerants are coming under attack, from transportation (airplanes) to communication (postal system)
digital could be next, but physical is much more “terrifying” and requires less sophistication
honestly, my day to day life hasn’t changed much since 9/11. sure, i think about the value of certain activities a little more than before, but i don’t spend a lot of time worrying that i might die in an explosion at the corner market
but that is their goal. and to the degree that they succeed, some of our cultural values will change and our traditions