Monthly Archives: July 2002

ballot measure in NV; would allow individuals to posses up to 3 ounces of marijuana w/o incarceration

Posted in Uncategorized carbs (esp. processed), trans-fats (hydrogenated-anything), artifical sweetners (and other excitotoxnis) are turning america into the land of obese, diabetic, cancer-ridden, poor cardio having tools change or die

Posted in Uncategorized excitoxin defined aspartame = an excitotoxin; splendra likely is as well the full cover-up stevia appears to be a great answer… but of course, herb cultivation isn’t as big a business as is artificial chemical

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on that oinking topic… now hovering around 170-172 & still shedding the fat. guessing i’m going to need to take it down to 165-167 to get back into tight 32 (34s are hangin off me now). i’m a little bummed

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ah, back from sd and la… san diego was awesome. partied w/ kim and her crew down in MB for the 4th. up and down the strand, but mostly either end of Jamaica (beach by day, bay by night). caught

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