How much for a Podcast of Web 2.0 Conference?

I wish I could be there live at John Battelle’s Web 2.0 conference, but alas, my current client is in a serious crunch, so time away is at a super premium. I won’t lie; $2400 is also a bit steep IMHO.

And while the blogging that Jeremy Zawodny, Jeff Jarvis, Boing Boing and Big Media is doing is great, it’s not the same as hearing the panels and drawing your own insights.

I could try to lobby crash a few hours here or there, but a lot of work goes into a show like this, so I’d rather respect the producers (and pray for a comp next time around). Besides, not everyone can be as enlightened as Dave Winer when it comes to throwing a conference (check out his approach to BloggerCon 3 if you need the details.)

So John… how about giving us access via the audio recording that I’ve got to assume you’re doing (everyone’s miked, right)? Podcasting is so very Web 2.0, after all. 😉

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