Recruitment RSS Marches Forward

I may have missed the press release, but I just noticed that Yahoo!’s HotJobs is offering saved RSS Searches (something I knew was coming late last year but couldn’t disclose), making them the first major recruitment site to do so.

Given HotJobs “also ran” position in the industry (Monster and CareerBuilder are both way out ahead), it seems inevitable that they will partner with and/or Feedster to increase distribution.

Speaking of press releases… Microsoft recently announced that they’re making their press releases available via RSS. Given Microsoft’s open blogging culture and support for RSS, could we soon see recruitment Feeds from them? And if so, will it be the harbinger of disruption that I imagine it to be?

(Aside… Lazyweb to Scoble: Who do we have to kill to get MSFT job Feeds?)

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2 comments on “Recruitment RSS Marches Forward
  1. I’ve asked. Will let you know when it happens.

  2. Paul Forster says:


    You’re right. We will start seeing RSS feeds from every job site and corporate careers area. It’s inevitable.

    No need to kill anyone for a feed of Microsft jobs – you can get them

    Paul Forster – one search. all jobs.