RSS represents 1% of traffic

Alright, I lied… one more before calling it a day.

According to this press release (likely to link rot since it’s on Yahoo!) from the

  • For March 2005, achieved a traffic record of 555 million pageviews, a 17% increase from March 2004
  • The previous monthly record was set in January 2005, when had 553 million pageviews, a 30% increase from January of last year
  •’s RSS feeds generated 5.9 million pageviews on the site in March, which represents a 342% increase year over year and a 39% increase from February’s 4.3 million pageviews.
  • Sections that were most popular among RSS feeds included: Washington and Business.
  • The feeds have been available since February 2002

I’ve been “consuming” news primarily via RSS for a couple years now (I honestly couldn’t tell you when I started). Always valuable to remember how far ahead of the curve we are on this stuff… and to see the exponential growth as adoption revs up.

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