Pete over at PC4Media listed my name in a post regarding the uproar over the AO/Technorati “OpenMedia 100 list”. The title of this post is a spin on Pete’s, which while absolutely hysterical (what a way to start my day yesterday), isn’t exactly work safe in today’s PC corporate culture (consider yourself warned) – Pete’s post.
So first and foremost, Pete, thanks; I appreciate being recognized for making a positive contribution. And the feeling is mutual; I hear you guys are working hard to build something of value too. But really, it’s a wasted vote; I’m not nearly self-important enough to make the list. Alexa does have buzzhit! as a top 150K site (LOL) though, so perhaps if they broaden the list just a bit, I’ll make it on share page views?! 😉
Far more important to me is the list I’m on through which most people are reading this right now, i.e., your Feed list. You’d think most people would be satisfied with that, but even while they claim to be busy “subverting the hierarchy”, they’re really just busy constructing a new one with themselves on top. Hypocrisy at its best.
Honestly, I haven’t read a single positive thing on this effort; in addition to Pete, Jeff (and Mary through Jeff) and Elle have POVs that are worth a look (as is the comment section of Dave’s post, which I’m intentionally not linking to). You’d think people so intimately involved with OpenMedia would know better how to launch a self-aggrandizing campaign, wouldn’t ya?