Early reaction to Healthline beta

How is the world (of media) reacting to our beta launch? So far, it looks pretty good (whew!):

Chris Sherman, Search Engine Watch: Curing Medical Information Disorder

One of the coolest features is called a “health map,” a visual display of all of the concepts related to your query. Health maps resemble flow-charts, showing phases of diagnosis, treatment, alternatives and so on. Want to explore one of those areas in depth? Just click the relevant box on the flowchart and a new search is run. It’s a very slick way to display lots of information about complex subjects, at the same time making it easy to find relevant content without advanced searching.

How’s that for query refinement, Robert? 😉

Chris closes with the magic words that warm any Product Mgr’s heart: “easy to use”:

Healthline is one of the best, easiest to use health information sources I’ve yet found on the web. The “patient friendly” interface combined with first-rate, vetted content make it an excellent resource for anyone researching health related information.

More early media coverage:

I’ll keep this updated for a day or two. And, while I love the media stuff (and really enjoyed getting some time with Chris Sherman, who seems like a great guy), I’m really looking forward to the uh, color, of the blogosphere. 😉

Update: After recovering my blog after my hosting provider crashed, I see that blogger reaction has started on a high note (it can only end badly from here, lol), with a great write-up by Michael Arrington (of TechCrunch fame) in Healthline – Reliable Medical Information. My two favorite quotes:

The HealthMaps feature is incredibly useful.


This is an excellent resource.

More coverage in the blogosphere:

And, podcast lovers are getting some coverage too:

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2 comments on “Early reaction to Healthline beta
  1. Tony Gentile says:

    We’re a long way from “4 out of 5 doctors recommend Healthline” (lol), but it’s great early validation of our (early) efforts. Thanks for pointing this out!