President’s Radio Address… by RSS?

Deeje Cooley and I had dinner tonight to catch up on life, shared interests, and of course all things technology.

Amongst a variety of trends spotted, product futures foreseen and ideas generated, one question in particular stands out in my mind…

In an election where funds have been raised via blogs (Dean), messages have been shared via blogs (Kerry, Bush and their daughters), and false allegations crushed due to blogs (CBSGate)… why isn’t the President’s Weekly Radio Address available via RSS and who will be the first President to change that?

Perhaps more broadly, who will be the first President to use blogs to communicate views, visions and plans (vs. campaign rhetoric) with U.S. citizens?

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One comment on “President’s Radio Address… by RSS?
  1. sickOfBush says:

    It won’t be Bush. He thinks there are “internets”.