Flattering Ultimatum and Feed Clarity

Peter over at PC4Media left me a comment, and, posted the following over at his blog (trimmed down):

“I’ve been reading Tony Gentile’s Buzzhit blog for a bit now. It is a good blog. Some good insight… However, every time I open bloglines, 30 old posts are displayed as new… So Tony… Get this fixed or I am unsubscribing.”

It’ll come as no surprise to anyone who reads regularly that I have a keen interest in all things RSS, including RSS Advertising. As such, I created Ad-bearing versions of the core buzzhit! Feed a while back for my personal use.

Appearantly, at least one of these Ad-bearing Feeds was discovered and made it into Bloglines (but oddly, not into their directory/search offering). And, it appears that Peter and a few other folks (7 in total) have subscribed to said Feed. (If you don’t see ads at the bottom of this post, you’ve got the right Feed.)

So, to be clear… the only version of the Feed meant for general use is this one; here’s a link to it on Bloglines. (I’ll email Bloglines to see if I can get the other Feed[s] removed.)

Peter, thanks a ton for the heads up; hopefully you’ll have a better reading experience going forward. And, if you — or anyone else reading this — have feedback on how I can move from having a “good blog” to a “great blog”, please let me know. Thanks!

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One comment on “Flattering Ultimatum and Feed Clarity
  1. Peter Caputa says:

    I’ve switched over, Tony. GREAT stuff!
