Quick catch-up…

Just a quick heads-up lest you think I’ve fallen out of love for this whole blogging thing… 😉

I’m still here, still reading, and still planning to publish. Unfortuantely, a confluence of events, including my annual summer Flu (ugh), likely due to too many conferences, and more interestingly, a ton of interviewing that has led to my joining a very cool (and dare I say, “noble”) start-up… the “requires” relocation to SF (in order to preserve my sanity).

Needless to say, life’s a crazy mess right now, but I’m looking forward to sharing more with you on all of these matters “soon”. Thanks for sticking with me!

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2 comments on “Quick catch-up…
  1. Anonymous says:

    no problem

  2. Mind Valley says:

    Congrats on the new job Tony! Funny how quickly things change. We just met up at the local search conference a few months ago and now here we are both at two new startups.

    Looking forward to hearing what you are up to. I blinklisted your blog and still check it out on my RSS reader. I was wondering where you went.
