Rainmakers Live – March 11, 2006

A friend emailed me to give me the heads-up on another great looking tech gathering going on this upcoming weekend (Sat, March 11) at Stanford. While I’ll be sticking with my previous commitment (TechDirt’s Greenhouse), if I weren’t headed there, I’d definitely check this out. Importantly, it’s free, open to the public, and has a great line-up of entreprenuers. Drop me a note if you attend and post about it.

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2 comments on “Rainmakers Live – March 11, 2006
  1. Gaurav says:

    Hi Tony,

    I flew down from Seattle last weekend to present BillMonk, at Rainmakers Live. The students who put this event together did a fantastic job. There were several innovative startups in the lineup, most of them self-funded (BillMonk included). As an attendee, I enjoyed hearing about their bold new ideas and experiences as entrepreneurs.

    As a presenter, I appreciated that they kept the format of the event relatively informal, and encouraged the audience to interact with the presenters.

    You can read more about my experience at Rainmakers Live on BillMonk’s blog.


  2. Gwen says:

    Hey Tony,

    I was one of the co-chairs for the organizing of the mixer. A pity you weren’t there! We had an awesome time…do join us for the next one yeah?

    Thanks, Gaurav! Appreciate your vote of confidence. =)