TKG ILM: A Shout Back to Judith Meskill

I had the pleasure to meet a number of great folks at this year’s Kelsey Group ILM 2004 conference, including Judith Meskill. Judith was recently named Editorial Director over at Weblogs, Inc., which looks like a big win for everyone.

As part of her new charter, Judith is out looking for bloggers to join forces with Weblogs, Inc., as they push toward 100 blogs by the end of 2004 and 300 by 2005. A very intriguing opportunity, indeed!

In her shout out to me, Judith mentions social mobile local search. Hey Judith, I wrote a little something about that recently, and in short, I agree — it’ll happen (eventually), and it’ll be good.

In the same post, Judith also mentions that Pamela Parker (who I really wanted to meet at TKG’s ILM, but didn’t) predicts that user generated content and social networking will play a significant roll in the development of local search. As you can probably guess from Michael Bazeley’s article over at, I agree!

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One comment on “TKG ILM: A Shout Back to Judith Meskill
  1. Pamela says:

    Tony, hey, sorry I missed you, too. I only got over there for the one day (Wednesday) and then did office duty. Did you stick around NYC for Ad-Tech? I’ll be over there a bit this week. After this week, I’m headed to the West Coast, so… hopefully we’ll manage to get it together somewhere in not too long!