Google Personalized News = Findory exit?

Greg Sterling notes that Google News just got much more personal, including recommendations. Sounds a bit like Findory (or, for that matter, FireFly) to me. It’s very interesting that Google chose to launch this product, which requires monitoring of your

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Media, analysts grokking Healthline

Wow, an amazing couple of days recently at the office. We announced that PacifiCare was launching a site using our health search platform. Forrester Research, dropped a very complimentary piece on us. And just tonight, the New York Times’ Bob

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Uh, Happy New Year!?

Alright, this is a little embarrassing. 3 months until my fourth year of blogging, and I haven’t written much more than a disclaimer in months. Shameful! On a positive note, I’ve dropped 5% body fat and can once again fill

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Just tossing this out into the Ether to avoid/prevent future confusion. (I’ve not been asked to do this by anyone… just realized I should have done it during my consulting days, and certainly when I took a full-time job. Better

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Google Analytics – worse than it appears?

UPDATE: Just got this email from Urchin, err, Google Analytics CS (emphasis mine): “Thank you for your email. You do not have to change your pages or add new Google Analytics code. This is not causing your reporting delay. Large

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Presenting at SDForum Search SIG

I’m very pleased to have been asked to join a panel on vertical search (moderated by none other than John Battelle!) at this month’s SD Forum Search SIG. Panelists will be:Adam Beguelin, TruveoPete Flint, TruliaGautam Godhwani, SimplyHiredMe! 😉 Here is

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Healthline Flu Central Launches

Believe it or not, the “plain old flu” is a big deal; it shares a category with pneumonia — the two combined are amongst the top 10 causes of death [usually closer to 6th] in the U.S. Organizations like the

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Play Media Conference at UC Berkeley

Steve Lee, a sharp UC Berkeley Haas student I met a ways back, dropped me a note about their upcoming Play Digital Media Conference, to be held at Cal on Saturday, Nov 5, 2005. Some of the usual suspect, some

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TechCrunch Party Highlights

Had a blast at Friday’s TechCrunch BBQ party. Some highlights worthy of note: Drove down with Kevin Burton, late of Rojo, now bootstrapping TailRank, a blog recommendation engine. In a true act of kindness, Dave Winer gave Kevin a $20

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More feedback on Healthline coming in

First, let me say, that there’s no coverage like splog coverage; it’s simply amazing how popular press releases are with splogs. Having now sorted through most of them, here are some more reactions I’ve found… 1. Valentin, a PhD student

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